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InFIESTAbyJodieWhat We Know about Aspartame E 951, E 962, E 962 so far?Full List of the products containing aspartameJul 23, 2024Jul 23, 2024
InFIESTAbyJodieHow the Brain Keeps You HappyBoost feel-good hormones: dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocinJul 27, 202410Jul 27, 202410
InFIESTAbyJodieWhen You Are Facing Emotionally Charged SituationsUse ValidationAug 8, 2024Aug 8, 2024
InFIESTAbyJodieAs Above so Below, as Within so WithoutThoughts on Carl Jung psyche and alchemySep 2, 202414Sep 2, 202414
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JodieHow To Overcome Insomnia And Improve Your Sleep RoutineHere is my Sleep RoutineApr 16, 20241Apr 16, 20241
JodieGetting Back To Working Out After A Long HiatusSpring is here and many will start thinking to get back to exercise and be more active. However is not an easy task to make your body run…Apr 17, 20242Apr 17, 20242
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InKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfbyJodieThe Sum of All Vices is ConstantDon’t Let Addiction Take the Driver Seat, Practice AbstinenceApr 2, 202424Apr 2, 202424
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InIn Fitness And In HealthbyJodieHow to know if Your 7 Major Chakras are BalancedNames, position in the body, associated colours and crystalsNov 25, 20201Nov 25, 20201
InBe YourselfbyJodieSelf-Sabotage Is The Ego’s Way of Protecting The SelfAuthenticity is the Soul MapApr 11, 202313Apr 11, 202313
InBe YourselfbyJodieHow to Build a Positive Body ImageTrigger Warning: Anorexia and Bulimia topicAug 20, 2023Aug 20, 2023