The problem is the genre, the musical vs drama vs action. I felt Lady Gaga took over the stage and left Phoenix without a part to play even though she was just in his imagination.
The message is strong and open for debate. Whether the society we are living in is maleficent and allows sick individuals to perpetuate the initial harm or we need to accept that those traumatized may and will explode in a carnage at some point in their life?
Is the mental health crisis influenced more by the healthcare and assistance or by peers who have the same mental dysfunction?
Are we minimally caring and supporting of a person who wants to change and walk on a different path or we believe people never change therefore there is no difference between giving Death sentence or 20 years in prison?
It raises so many questions and not everyone is willing to have a dialog about it, that's why the hate against a very interesting movie with a great cast and probably millions $ spent to produce it.