This quote one hears in the most racist places on the Earth as an excuse for their archaic morals. Trust me! However Let's agree to disagree here,
Novak Djokovic and Covid both highlighted Australian racism and narrow-minded society.
The #1 tennis player in the world, Novak Djokovic was been granted the vaccine exemption and visa for the purpose of defending his title in the Australian Open after winning it for a record of nine times. Young, healthy and famous Djokovic was on the headlines of the most popular newspapers because he has been denied entry to Australia. He stayed in quarantine in an emigration hotel until the court appeal hearing took place. How is this wanting to be above the law???
Despite the mediatic and tennis federation pressure, he didn't accept the vaccine to carry doing what he loves most, he didn't accept it to travel, he didn't accept it to be socially accepted and he didn't comply with some non-sense that the governments impose just because they have the power to do so. Why aren't you questioning the non-sense of 0 cases goal???
The Australian home office and government is known to be the worst authoritarian regime, in terms of imposing restrictions and for the past two years, we have seen terrifying things showing up on the news from there such as the camps for unvaxx and never-ending lockdown. Don't Think for a second that Australia shouldn't be ashamed because this is a matter of human rights and freedom obstruction. Australia should be ashamed by treating its people so despicably and thinking that it's ok to do so with other nationals as well. Bear in mind that Australia has to survive and deal with Europe in the future! I wish that future generations will upgrade from this type of closed society.
The fact that Djokovic has been led to believe he can enter the country and he was granted visa and vaccine exemption by the Victoria government and the Tennis Federation in Australia. Which then revealed to not be accepted by Border Control it is proof that all the bureaucracy system is faulty.
The fact that you guys have a poll to kick out the #1 Tennis Player says a lot about the Aussie society. The politics behind it that you smartly highlighted is the real reason for all the drama! Behind the scandal there are big interests in moving forward with the same narrow-minded individuals and to keeping the Australians in a state of fear. The whole world is watching! Europe doesn't forget and doesn't forgive!
On a more positive note,
The lesson here is to be compassionate about your fellows and respect their decision.